Live Buzzards, Eagle Owls, Hawks and Ferrets at The John Moore Museum
1st August 2010
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Here at the John Moore Museum it is time for another of our Live Animal Events, and we would be delighted if you would join us. 


Saturday 7th August sees our regular falconer Alan coming to the museum with some of his birds of prey - Duke the Buzzard, Merlin the Eagle Owl and Tess the Harris Hawk. Alan will be happy to answer all your questions about these magnificent birds of prey and the ancient art of falconry.


Plus, Alan's wife Janet will also be here with Tinker & Bell the Polecat Ferrets, probably some of the world's most mischievous mammals.


Our furred and feathered guests will be here from 10am-1pm and 2pm-5pm (we close for lunch 1pm to 2pm).


Admission (which includes entry to the museum so you can find out even more about the countryside and the animals that live in it): Adults -  1.50, Seniors & Students -  1.25, Children over 5 -  1, Families -  4


Hope to see you on the 7th, and please feel free to send this e-mail onto anyone any of your friends who might be interested in our event.


If you would like more information then please call us on 01684 297174 or email  <> 


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About the Author

Debbie Taylor and Trehane James

Member since: 2nd November 2011

Hi. We are Trehane &amp; Debbie and together form thebestoftewkesbury. We are keen to hear from anyone interested in becoming a blog author on this site. Please feel free to contact us to discuss further.

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