Royal Air Forces Association - Highlands
Royal Air Forces Association - Highlands
  • 612 Squadron
    Leuchars Station
    St Andrews
    KY16 0JY
The Royal Air Forces Association is the charity that actively supports the RAF family, giving help in times of need to everyone who serves in the RAF and their dependants, past and present, now and always.

We believe that serving your country should not result in disadvantage, suffering, poverty or loneliness.  At the heart of the Association are our members who represent the organisation on a  day-to-day basis, from recruiting new members to fundraising for the Wings Appeal.

We are only able to operate thanks to the generosity of so many who volunteer to help us.

There are so many benefits to joining our fantastic team of volunteers, including : the opportunity to support your community, the chance to help turn someone's life around, meeting other volunteers and making new friends, learning new skills and developing existing ones, helping to alleviate loneliness in the RAF family, ongoing support from a dedicated team, invitations to social events for volunteers.

We require befrienders and caseworkers in various parts of Scotland. Please get in touch if you are interested in finding out more.

Social Interaction