Callow’s Yard Changes Approved
15th September 2015
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Businessman Roy Tilleard has won his appeal to overturn a planning decision on his Callow’s Yard development in Castletown.

Planning committee chairman Chris Robertshaw MHK has formally accepted a Deemster’s recommendation that the appeal be allowed.

The move come as a slap on the wrist of Lib Van leader Kate Beecroft whose rejection of a planning inspector’s original recommendation was described by Deemster Andrew Corlett as ‘unlawful’.

Callow’s Yard Ltd planning application (14/00338/B) will see the conversion of unused commercial premises at the Castletown complex into residential accommodation.

This includes premises on Arbory Street which will be converted into one town house and a number of one and two bed flats, and the Fusion Bar, which will become apartments. Retail will be retained on the ground floor in all bar one property.

It represents, said Mr Tilleard, the latest effort to regenerate and advance Callow’s Yard as a ‘successful location for residents and businesses’.

There would be a net increase in residential accommodation from 35 to 50 units, but the number of bedrooms would rise by just seven from 63 to 70.

However, the proposal initially failed to win planning consent.

Mr Tilleard’s company appealed against that decision and the planning inspector recommended that the appeal be allowed and planning permission be granted.

But Mrs Beecroft, member for the Department of Infrastructure, decided to go against the recommendation of planning inspector Alan Langton and dismissed the appeal, citing lack of parking.

The Callow’s Yard developer lodged a petition of doleance and in July the high court ruled in his favour, with Deemster Corlett concluding that Mrs Beecroft’s decision was ‘unlawful’ as she failed to take into account ‘relevant material considerations’.

He quashed the decision and ordered the appeal be reconsidered with reference to the inspector’s report.

Now Mr Robertshaw has accepted the recommendation that the appeal be allowed. This is conditional on the development starting within four years, and on details of proposed windows at 8 Arbory Street being approved by planners first.

Source: IOM Today

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Christopher, Lynne &

Member since: 9th July 2012

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