Wanting help with starting a community project in the North of the island?
25th March 2010
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For anyone in the North of the Island wanting advice and possibly funding to start a community project in their local neighbourhood, then help could be at hand.


It’s all thanks to the LinC initiative, a scheme successfully established on the Isle of Man two years ago by The Children’s Centre charity in conjunction with leading employer, Friends Provident International.


Now it’s the turn of people living in the North of the Island to get involved, with the launch of a new LinC programme scheduled to start on Wednesday April 21st at The Bonwick Family Centre in Lezayre Road, Ramsey at 6.30pm.


LinC, which stands for Leadership in the Community, aims to help anyone aged 16 or over looking to make a make a positive, voluntary contribution to their community.  Coaching and leadership skills all form part of the tuition package.


The programme has already assisted a wide range of projects throughout the Island, each in its own way answering a real community need. These have included a new children’s play session, the setting up of regular coffee mornings for people short of neighbourly support and open days to promote the local scouting movement.


“It could be a new community project idea that you’ve got or maybe you want help and advice about putting life back into an existing activity. These are the sort of ideas we want to hear about,” said The Children Centre’s Community Development Manager Janet Bailey.


Whilst the 12 week course gets underway on April 21st, The Children’s Centre is advising would-be participants to fill and return application forms ahead of the start date.


“If people have ideas requiring LinC support then they can contact us straightaway for a registration form but anyone turning up on the night will also be very welcome,” said Janet.

 If you would like to enrol for the Northern LinC Programme, application forms are available from The Family Centre in Ramsey, at The Children’s Centre in Woodbourne Road or online at www.thechildrenscentre.org.im


Alternatively contact Janet Bailey on 631933 or by email janetbailey@thechildrenscentre.org.im


About the Author

Christopher, Lynne &

Member since: 9th July 2012

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