Isle of Man Lesbian Gay Bisexual and Transgender Info
Isle of Man Lesbian Gay Bisexual and Transgender Info
  • Carrey Friend, PO Box 170, Douglas, Isle of Man
    IM99 1PJ
Information,support and befriending for the gay / transgender community on the Isle of Man. Lively Forum and newsletters. There are now a number of resources operating under our umbrella such as the walking group and Police support drop-in.



Carrey Friend Isle of Man Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Transgender Info is a voluntary organisation and registered charity which between January 1991 and August 2002 operated a phone line service for three hours one evening each week. In that time it took over 2,500 calls offering a befriending, support and information service. Calls fell in number and it was difficult to recruit, train and keep volunteers. This web site was established in May 2000. In its first 8 months it had nearly 1,000 hits. In 2001 it had over 2,500. Since then hits have increased steadily and we are now running at about 5,000 hits per year. The forums were established in 2003. They have proved popular with many thousands of visits each year.


 We now offer befriending, support and information by e-mail and/or primarily to gay men and women living on the Island. In certain circumstances we can also offer befriending and face to face contact. We try to produce an occasional newsletter which is posted to and archived on the site and can be sent by e-mail or post. Join the forums to experience the Isle of Man LGBT community and find out all the news. All forum members are sent the e news letter automatically. Contact to be out on the mailing list for an e-mail or post copy without joining. For information, support, mentoring or befriending

All of what we do has to be funded. Please feel free to send a donation or why not shop via our internet shopping link. Every time you spend we get a commission.

Social Interaction