Doors 7.30pm | Tickets £17.50 | Plus Support From The Native Cult | Malt Room Standing
Bristol favourites Cut Capers are embarking on their biggest-ever nationwide tour!
The explosive 9-piece have built a killer reputation for their live shows; ultra-high energy experiences, with epic arrangements, booming brass hooks, and scintillating solos. This tour will see them performing a host of new material as well as the crowd-favourites.
With special guests and extended sets, this is not a tour to be missed!
Support comes from The Native Cult, a musical outfit that prides themselves on casting sunny vibes through tropical music. Congas and bongos, jazz chords, flamenco guitar styles, catchy bass lines, harmonies, solid drums beats and memorable choruses that get in your head – these are just a few examples of what to expect!
“They’re on their way up!”
Huey Morgan, BBC Radio 6 Music
“I am feeling that! Oh my goodness that just had me moving!”
YolanDa Brown OBE, Jazz FM
“Go see them… Marvellous”
John Osborne, Jazz FM
Jimmy Cliff
“Come on, that puts a wiggle in your walk!”
Craig Charles, BBC Radio 6 Music
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