Childminders and Creches in Torfaen

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Osbourne Lodge Nursery
Child care facilities for toddlers in the Pontypool area The toddler group is run by Kelly Forward, Becky Lloyd and Melissa Young who look after children between the ages of 2 to 3 years. The groups are very busy with lots of fun planned activities every day, its no wonder most of the children need a nap at lunch time. The group is based on the lower floor along side the pre school group and have lots of different areas to use throughout the day, such as imagination room the snug with soft padded floor construction room art room with sand and water play garden with lots of play equipment
Rachel A said
William have settle so well. He’s come on so much and see a differents in things he do at home he likes all the staff but loves Lisa. They work so hard with the children and do all they can for you. Amazing nursery, I’m able to go to work with peace of mind knowing my son is in safe hands and Well looked after. Keep up the amazing work you do with all the children. Xxx
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Osbourne Lodge Nursery
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