Voice of Wales Toastmasters
  • 43 Maryport Street
    NP15 1AD
Looking to improve your speaking and leadership skills? Ignite your career? Gain the confidence to speak in public? Based in Usk, Voice of Wales Toastmasters is a meeting for those who want to improve their public speaking skills.

Improve your public speaking

Voice of Wales Toastmasters provides a warm, supportive environment for you to learn how to improve your public speaking skills. Our members come from all walks of life and have one common goal; to become more confident and accomplished communicators.  

How it works

Voice of Wales works by being a mutually supportive co-coaching group - we all help one another improve our speaking and leadership skills through a structured program which develops a wide range of skills in speaking, presentation and leadership.

Learning together

Constructive feedback is encouraged and welcomed. Everything we do is evaluated, which helps us understand how we impact on others - in a friendly and supportive way.

Is it for me?

Whether you are a professional, student, stay-at-home parent, or retired, Voice of Wales Toastmasters is the most efficient, enjoyable and affordable way of gaining great communication skills.

Developing skills

Toastmasters will give you the skills and confidence you need to express yourself effectively in any situation. You'll learn how to:


  • Formulate and express your ideas effectively
  • Be more persuasive and confident when giving presentations
  • Improve your one-on-one dealings with others


As you progress in Toastmasters, you'll get to practice your skills by organising and conducting meetings and motivating others to help you. Become a better negotiator. Gain trust. Inspire your team.


Leadership, coaching and a lot more…


Voice of Wales Toastmasters also develops your skills in each of these areas:


  • Leadership     
  • Mentoring – receiving and giving    
  • Evaluation     
  • Listening        
  • Thinking on your feet  


This all happens in a friendly, fun (there's a lot of laughs) and supportive environment where all feedback is constructive and is usually followed up with a pub visit after each meeting!


Attend as a guest for free


Anyone can attend as a guest without commitment or cost. No one pressures you to join. You decide if it’s right for you. To book in please visit our Facebook page and message us. You can also book in at where there is a guests invitation section. We are also on Meetup search for Voice of Wales.


When and where do we meet?


Voice of Wales Toastmasters meets on the second and fourth Thursday of every month (excluding the second December meeting) at The Sessions House, 43 Maryport Street, Usk, NP15 1AD – just walk in the main door and turn left into the large room on the left.


There is easy free parking in the street and coffee, tea and biscuits are provided.


We meet at 7pm for 7.30pm and end by 9.30pm.  


For more information please contact


John Christie  – Voice of Wales Toastmasters Club

01452 830141

07747 107995

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Voice of Wales Toastmasters Club - Club Meeting

2-hour meeting - Entertaining speakers - see what a meeting looks like See event