Walsall Academy
  • Lichfield Rd,
    WS3 3LX
Walsall Academy, located in Bloxwich, Walsall, is a leading secondary school and sixth form for pupils aged between 11-18.

Walsall Academy aim is  to educate to the best of their abilities to get the most important outcome possible: A happy and employable child with the skills and qualifications to succeed in life.

Currently, there are around 1360 students at Walsall Academy with approximately 320 students in the Sixth Form, aged between 11-18 years old. The school has a large focus on the Arts and Sport, giving students different opportunities to develop the confidence to express themselves and ignite the all-important spark for success.

Walsall Academy is a leading secondary school with modern, high tech facilities to ensure that their pupils have all the necessary skills and tools to prepare them for the 21st century workplace.

They offer a friendly and supportive environment with teachers that understand the needs of their pupils.

They also offer excellent extra curriculum activities including team building, theatre productions, sports and off site trips.

The facilities at Walsall Academy are first class which can be borne out below by the wide range of courses and activities available.

Facilities at Walsall Academy:

  • Electronic Whiteboard in every teaching area
  • Music Technology suite
  • Theatre with tiered seating
  • Dance, Drama studio
  • Library and Careers Centre
  • CAD/CAM suite
  • Conference Centre
  • Medical Room
  • Open Plan Learning Bases
  • Independent Learning Centres
  • Sports Hall
  • Playing Fields
  • Open Plan Laboratories
  • Business Studies Suite
  • Training Kitchen
  • Restaurant serving breakfast, lunch and light snacks
  • Closed Circuit Television.
Walsall Academy also has a career's team whose role is to build strong links with local businesses and the community. This is vital so that pupils can get involved in work placements at a range of businesses to help them get a good grounding in life in the workplace. This experience will give them a head start when looking at future employment .


Walsall Academy consistently receives good reports from their governing body Ofsted. The reports often write about happy and positive students who feel safe and enjoy attending school. The staff are also highly praised, being very passionate about their student's grades and actively working towards helping the students reach their full potential. 

Thomas Telford Multi Academy Trust and Sponsors

Walsall Academy is apart of the Thomas Telford Multi Academy Trust, and are sponsored by The Mercers’ Company and Thomas Telford School, alongside the Government, meaning all education is fee-free to all students. The key aim for the Thomas Telford Multi Academy Trust is to provide academic environments where students have the opportunity to achieve their personal best and where individual talents, in all forms, can be maximised.


To contact Walsall Academy, simply visit their website to fill out an enquiry form, or call 01922 493910.

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