Walsall Council Business Growth Team
  • Walsall Council,
    Civic Centre,
    Darwall Street,
    WS1 1TP
Walsall Council Business Growth Team offer a wide range of business support services for businesses across the Walsall Borough

Walsall Business Growth Team are committed to supporting growth, offering a bespoke service to meet the needs of local businesses registered within Walsall Borough.

The Team led by Daniel Turner are an invaluable source of information and guidance, helping to sign post businesses to the right support to help them overcome barriers to growing and thriving.

They can:

  • provide one-to-one support
  • help if you are starting a business
  • help you to find suitable sites and premises
  • give advice about grants and funding
  • make introductions to partners offering support
  • help with your recruitment and training needs
  • Support you regarding your Net Zero and Decarbonisation Goals

Grants and Funding

Access to a dedicated team with experience in national and regional funding.

This project is [funded/part-funded] by the UK Government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund.

The UK Shared Prosperity Fund is a central pillar of the UK government’s Levelling Up agenda and provides £2.6 billion of funding for local investment by March 2025. The Fund aims to improve pride in place and increase life chances across the UK investing in communities and place, supporting local business, and people and skills. For more information click here.

Access to Finance

The Business Growth Team will link you with their partners to provide tailored access to finance advice for your business

Starting a Business

They can complete a business diagnostic and action plan to ensure that you can access the right support for your pre start or set up

Sites and Premises

They can help link you in with local agents and developers and ensure you are kept up to date with available local employment space

Net Zero and Decarbonisation

A key agenda for Walsall, there is plenty of support available in helping businesses to achieve their green goals

Links to Their Partners

The Business Growth Team help you find the right support through their local, regional and National partners

Support in Recruitment and Training

Finding the right staff and importantly getting them well trained is vital in any successful business. Through the team, they can help guide you to the relevant support

Meet the Team



With experience in private and public sector business support, Dan is a tireless champion of the innovative and diverse work that takes place in Walsall and across the Black Country. A former Policy Analyst in the Further Education sector and Policy Lead at the Black Country Chamber of Commerce, Dan has extensive experience of the key issues affecting local businesses and how to align support to help businesses to grow and thrive. Having been involved with Business Growth West Midlands from the outset, Dan is keen that Walsall businesses are aware of and can access as much of the fully funded support as possible.




With nearly 20 years in regeneration, Inderjit specialises in Business Growth, Employment and Skills, and Community Development. His expertise lies in securing grants and delivering impactful projects for communities and businesses, particularly in guiding those previously untouched by public support through growth-facilitating programs. Inderjit’s approach is grounded in empathy and tailored support, ensuring businesses not only access but also effectively utilise available opportunities to achieve growth. Inderjit enjoys building relationships and understanding needs, focusing on practical solutions and meaningful outcomes.




With over 20 years’ experience of working across the various disciplines within the Business growth & development arena Dev brings a wealth of experience and knowledge so crucial to supporting the growth of businesses in Walsall.

A SFEDI Accredited Business Advisor Dev has account managed 100’s of enterprises from micro through to strategic businesses across diverse sectors to help them overcome barriers to growth.

His ability to work effectively and professionally with the range of public and private sector partners and organisations to help deliver business support provision has seen him support and project manage a diverse range of growth projects, including those funded through ERDF, LEGI, and UKSPF.

Dev’s PgCert (Local and Regional Economic Development) provides a solid framework for his Knowledge of local, regional and national funding and business support initiatives as the Business Growth team at Walsall accelerate and scale-up their support to help local businesses grow and prosper.




A recent addition to the Business Growth Team, Dee has with a wealth of experience in business engagement across sectors. Passionate about inspiring others to be bold, Dee works tenaciously to ensure that her clients take the next steps to achieve their goals. Dee specialises in offering 1-1 support to start-up businesses, finding solutions and assisting pre and start-up businesses to overcome challenges and take advantage of opportunities.  

Contact Walsall Council Business Growth Team

If you have a registered business in Walsall then get in touch today to find the support that is on offer on 01922 650380

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