Walsall Society of Artists` 73rd Annual Exhibition has now closed after a 3 month exhibition at The New Art Gallery in Walsall.
"Wowww.... what an exhibition," said Jude Hanley from Walsall Society of Artists. "It was a fantastic private view with sponsors awarding prizes, we’ve had our leading artists demonstrating at the New Art Gallery Walsall, we’ve hosted two Art Meets Poetry events. This year’s annual exhibition has
been so busy, a big thank you to Wendy Priest as Exhibition Secretary.
"Thank you to Deborah Robinson and her team at the New Art Gallery Walsall, for the beautiful curation of the exhibition. Behind the scenes thousands of emails, checking submission forms, for paintings and poems, selection day, catalogues, labels, publicity, radio broadcasts, and a BIG THANK YOU to everyone who has helped in making this one of our best exhibitions yet."
The public were asked to vote for their favourite artwork during the Exhibition, this year for the Peoples Choice Award. There was a massive response of over 644 votes. The clear winner was artist Jean Walker who has been a member of the Walsall Society of Artists for 20years.
"Jean not only won the award but also sold her beautiful painting “A Night in the Forest”, during the exhibition" said Jude Hanley. "Inspired by her dream to spend a night in log cabin in the forest, its painted in oils on canvas in Jean’s distinctive illustrative style, clever use of colour and wonderful brushwork. Jean will be presented with her award by Fraser Wood Estate agents at their premises on Lichfield Street, Walsall on Thursday 7th March at 10.30am."
Jean Walker was the outright winner, with her painting "A Night in the Forest" not only did she inspire the public to vote for her painting but she inspired poet Sarah Battison to write a poem called "Promised Lands" which featured in one of our Art Meets Poetry Events. The painting was also sold during the exhibition and has now been sent to its new home.
Public Comments from the Exhibition
Art Meets Poetry
“The event was for me very involving and for the art society I hope successful. I’ve never attended anything like this before. A very good idea of someone’s. Thank you and the society for a different and rewarding afternoon.”
Artist Demonstrations
“My visit to the art gallery was nothing but breathtaking. One
particular piece of work, literally, stopped me in my tracks. An amazing experience.”
“There are some really magnificent works of art in the collection and the whole thing is very impressive.”
Presenter Black Country Radio & Black Country Xtra
Solicitor - Vienna Kang Advocates
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