Aldridge and District Lions Club
12th June 2019
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The Club was started in 1989 when Walsall Lions Club
decided there was a need in the area of Aldridge,
Brownhills Streetly and Pheasey. Now fondly referred
to by us as our patch.

Throughout the World there are approximately 44000
Clubs like Aldridge, with a total membership in excess
of 1.3 million, some much bigger but, ALL living up to
our Motto “We Serve” and helping those less fortunate.
If you have come across us we were most probably
fundraising and over the following 30 years we have
raised through you the public approximately £150000.

Fundraising in Aldridge Precinct
But, it is not all about fundraising, we also have a duty
to the people who give us their money to spend it
wisely. We do this by investigating in an unobtrusive
way the individuals, groups and good causes we
Our most successful fundraising takes place in
December each year when we accompany SANTA to
Morrison, in Aldridge & ASDA Queslett.
But, again not all about money, it is the pleasure and
enjoyment of watching the children’s reactions when
they see the man in the red suit.
Lions also pride themselves that all money collected
from the public goes to good causes and none is spent
on administration.

Examples of Money Donated:-
Acorns, British Heart Foundation, Heartcare Walsall,
Neo-Natal Unit Manor Hospital, The Thomas Project
and this year will be donating to Age UK Walsall. With
all of the above we designated where we wanted the
money spent. If we donate out of our area it goes to
another Lions Club to administer, e.g. Boscastle Floods
to Boscastle Lions or Floods on River Severn to
Kidderminster Lions.
On an individual basis we have purchased several
Nebulisers and most recently purchased food for a local
family who found themselves through no fault of their
own without some of their benefits.

There is a Defibrillator located on the wall of the
“Crown” in Aldridge paid for by money we raised from
the public.
Lions also like to enjoy themselves so we socialise at
Quizzes, Beer & Skittles, Concerts and Meals Out,
etc. Here we can also raise funds for administration if
needed but very often some if not all finishes up in
our Charity Account.
Our biggest challenge is trying to find people who are
prepared to volunteer to help by becoming friends of
the Club, mainly by helping us collect for a couple of
hours or simply supporting events as in previous
paragraph, or becoming a member which needs less
than an average of 1 hour per week but not every
We have recently been fortunate in recruiting another
member as shown in photograph below.

Induction of a New Member

In so few words it is difficult to tell you about Aldridge
Lions and what we do but, can say how rewarding it
can be.
If you want to know more about us, think you could
help as a Friend of the Club or maybe think you might
like to become a member then contact us at and we will arrange a
“Meet the Lions” evening when we can tell you more
about how “WE SERVE”.
Meanwhile why not follow us on Facebook or visit:
We meet at 8pm on the first Thursday of every month
in Barons Court Hotel, Walsall Road, Walsall Wood,
WS9 9AH. Let us know if you would like to attend.


About the Author

Ian Henery

Member since: 4th February 2019

Presenter Black Country Radio & Black Country Xtra

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