Aldridge Beer Festival
5th July 2022
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In the summertime, according to Mungo Jerry, there are a small but essential list of pleasures to be pursued. And a fine ale in excellent company should surely have made that list.  

So imagine the delight of local drinkers to discover that Aldridge will be host to two beer festivals this summer, on top of the local options for real ale that serve all the year round.  

Aldridge Beer Festival is an annual fixture to raise funds for the 1st Aldridge, 36th Walsall Scout Group. Advance booking is essential for this July 16th, and funds raised from the sales of beer directly benefit the young people whose scout hut on Middlemore Lane serves as the venue. You can find out more on Facebook and the festival’s online booking service.  

The following month, Aldridge Social Club are holding their very first beer festival in their High St concert room. Chairman Ray Francis and a small team have been putting together a list of ales and ciders to please a range of tastes. No booking is required – there is a small entrance fee and glass deposit – and the event will run from midday to midnight on Saturday 13th August.  

Both festivals have been made possible because Backyard Brewhouse, a local microbrewery in Brownhills, has cooling and pumping equipment that it loans out to organisations for such events. Both the beer festival teams would like to thank Backyard for being so helpful and supportive of events in their local area; and wish them a happy summer of brewing.  

Of course, special events aren’t the only place in Aldridge to find fine ales. From specialists like The Turtle’s Head micropub in the village centre to pubs with a selection of hand-pull ales (The Avion, The Lazy Hill, The Plough and Harrow, to name but three) it looks like the sun will be shining on good beer and good company for the next few months.

About the Author

Ian Henery

Member since: 4th February 2019

Presenter Black Country Radio & Black Country Xtra

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