Aldridge Shed: Make Projects, Make Friends
23rd July 2019
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Aldridge Shed is one of a growing number of community workspaces in the UK. In 2013 UK Men’s Sheds Association was founded to raise awareness of Men’s Sheds and the life-changing impact they can have. A Shed is simply a community space for members to pursue practical interests at leisure and to share the tools, equipment and resources they need in a friendly, social environment. There are currently 480 sheds open in the UK, with 142 in development and an estimated 11,520 members benefitting from this initiative.

Three years since its opening, Aldridge Shed now has 55 members- men and women from a variety of backgrounds and occupations. Here, they design, construct and repair various items, mainly from wood but also from other materials. In the process they meet like-minded enthusiasts and there is a keen desire within the group to learn and pass on skills to each other.

For a long time, research has shown the negative impact loneliness can have on a person’s general health and wellbeing. Sadly, there are reports of high rates of social isolation across the borough. The Shed introduces social connections and friendship building and, in some cases, can help members gain a renewed sense of purpose and belonging. Becoming a member of the Shed has given Mira hours of enjoyment: “I have mastered new skills I never thought possible and enjoyed the companionship of the other members. It has given me an aim in life and it is a brilliant way of getting people out of the house.” Paul was introduced to the Shed two years ago following an accident at work where he broke his neck and was paralysed. Stuck in the house with nothing to do, he was understandably miserable. He says, “I left school at 16 and have been in work ever since, working six or seven days a week. To go from that to lying in bed all day everyday was depressing. Joining Aldridge Shed has changed my life and my family can see the difference in me. I treat it like going to work; I get up in the mornings, make my sandwiches and come here all day, four days a week. It gives me a sense of purpose and the company and banter that I missed.”

Aldridge Shed meets at Alrewych Court in a fully functional shed. The collection of tools and equipment is impressive, far exceeding what many members have access to at home. In fact, Chairman Alan Grice remarks that you can often see people’s eyes light up when they walk in for the first time. From making or mending in wood, through to repairs, renovations or engineering, the possibilities at the Shed are endless. The adjoining craft room allows for sewing, needlework and upholstery work. There is the option to work on solo projects, group projects or help create something for the community, and all ages and abilities are catered for.

Community projects are welcomed by request and Alan loves getting stuck into them. He has worked with Walsall Clean and Green Services to make 2 ½ metre long planters for Willenhall Memorial Park; he has built a spectacular wooden memorial seat for a local lady to remember her late daughter; he has created figures of soldiers for war memorials, and designed and installed the sign for The Bonner Memorial in Aldridge. The group also helps with set designs at Aldridge Youth Theatre and regularly provides props for their performances. Another project they are proud of is the creation of memory boxes for a Dementia Support Group who meet at Manor Farm CA.

Chair of Trustees, Ivor Anderson is keen to thank those who have helped them along the way. The Big Lottery Fund kindly gifted the Shed with an astonishing £10,000 which was used to purchase a CNC router, pedestal drill and thickness planer, dust extraction units for each machine amongst other equipment. Making Connections Walsall have been a great help with funding, and the Sutton Coldfield branch of Santander proudly displays the Shed’s wares and matches any sales they make. Thanks, as always, goes to E & S Knowles, a local timber manufacturer who support them with wood donations.

If you would like to support the work the Shed does then please consider helping them with a donation- no matter how small, it really helps. Or, if you are a business with a Corporate Social Responsibility Policy in place then they would be delighted if you would nominate them as one of your chosen charities. Finally, if you have any unwanted tools (in working order) that you no longer need, they can find a good home for them.

The only requirement to be a member of Aldridge Shed is that you are 18 years or older. If you are interested in going along, or maybe you know a neighbour, a relative or a friend who is stuck in the house and would benefit from the initiative, everyone at the Shed would love to meet you. You are invited to their upcoming Open Days or, if those dates don’t suit, get in touch or turn up to find out more.


Open Days

Thursday 9th May 10am – 4pm

Saturday 11th May 10am – 1pm

Come along to find out more about the group, take a look at some of their projects, and have an informal chat with current members. Refreshments available.


Open Mondays – Thursdays 9:30am – 4pm

Alrewych Court, 220 Northgate, Aldridge, Walsall WS9 8AF


For more information contact:

Ivor Anderson – 07973 657328

Facebook logo – aldridgeshed

About the Author

Ian Henery

Member since: 4th February 2019

Presenter Black Country Radio & Black Country Xtra

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