The event on 21st September was co-hosted by Sara Meredith and award-winning poet Laura Liptrot. It featured spoken word that had been inspired by the artwork on exhibition at The Crossing.
On 23rd September there was a further celebration of spoken word based on the artwork on display that was hosted by local poet Mark Ingram with free poetry and art workshops. The event also featured music by Walsall`s band Dog Town Jack. The duo (pictured) features vocalist Carmen Bascunana with guitarist Alan Garwood.
"We play songs influenced by classic jazz, country music and rock ballads" said Alan Garwood. "They are original pieces and that sits nicely with the spirit of this event".
The art workshops and live poetry sessions are a complementary attraction that aim to raise public participation in local creative arts activities. The next session is set for Saturday 7th October between 10am - 2pm that also celebrates National Poetry Day.
"It features art workshops" said Alan Garwood "and performances by local poets interspersed with short musical contributions by Dog Town Jack. And it`s all completely free!"
Photo credit: Dog Town Jack by Phil Buckley
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