Award Winning Walsall Poet To Headline The Fountain
2nd September 2022
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This month’s Voice from the Fountain will feature Gerald Kells, a Walsall Poet who has been making waves over the last couple of years, winning slams and awards, headlining sets and joining poets from across the country and even the world on Zoom, as lockdown opened up new avenues.

His YouTube and Soundcloud channels include some memorable poems and his book 51 Poems is available on Amazon or Lulu.

He will bring an eclectic mix of the humorous, the moving and the serious and is well worth checking out, along with the usual selection of Open Mic spots.

Voices at the Fountain is on Tuesday 6 September at 7.30 in the Fountain Pub, Lower Forester Street, Walsall.

Some links:

Gerald Kells - YouTube

book of memories by gkwm (

Stone Walls – Coffin Bell

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