The programme was first broadcast in October 1948 and visits a different part of the UK every week with a panel of 4 speakers who answer questions from the audience, providing people with the opportunity to challenge politicians, policy makers, writers and thinkers.
The panel is different each week and is broadcast live on Radio 4 straight after the 8pm news bulletin. It`s the public`s chance to put their questions to the panel. This in-person event is a great oppportunity to engage with influential speakers and voice the public`s opinions. Hosted by BBC Political Corrspondent, Alex Forsyth.
Doors open at 6.30pm and close at 7.15pm. The programme will be broadcast live from 8pm - 9pm.
Entry is by ticket only - and tickets are going fast! Book now to avoid disappointment.
Presenter Black Country Radio & Black Country Xtra
Solicitor - Vienna Kang Advocates
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