Be a friend this Christmas
23rd December 2015
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Did you know that over 50,000 older people will spend Christmas Day alone this year? Make a difference and be a friend to the older people in your community.

Friends of the Elderly is a national charity with over 100 years experience that provides older people the opportunity to live full and respected lives, and provide support for all older people; particularly those in need due to mental or physical frailty, isolation or poverty.

Having everyday interactions with other people has been proven to combat loneliness, which is why Friends of the Elderly are urging everyone to Be a Friend and connect with older neighbours and members of their community this Christmas, and all year round.

Spare a bit of time to Be a Friend this Christmas, here are just three ways you can spread some festive cheer:

  1. Organise a last minute activity on Christmas Day  It's not too late to put on an activity for those facing Christmas Day alone, here is Friends of the Elderly's last minute #bestgift guide.
  2. Find a Christmas Day activity for an older person - Check in on older neighbours, friends or relatives to see what their plans are for Christmas. If they're spending the day alone, help them search for an activity on the Community Christmas website.
  3. Make a donation - Help Friends of the Elderly support older people at Christmas and all year round by making a donation by clicking here.

So, what will you do to Be a Friend? To find out more information and to make your promote, visit the Be a Friend website.

About the Author

Alex M

Member since: 10th July 2012

My name is Alex Murray. I am passionate about what goes on in and around Walsall. I hope you find my blog to be interesting and thought provoking. Please feel free to give me your feedback.

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