Boiler scrappage scheme details Walsall
11th January 2010
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The government has announced details of the boiler scrappage scheme which could help many residents of Walsall and West Midlands Area

The boiler scrappage scheme will enable 125,000 households in England to trade in inefficient boilers and get £400 towards the cost of a new eco friendly replacement boiler.

The scrappage scheme could be of great benefit to the residents of Walsall and west Midlands areaprovided that their boiler is gas fired,over 15 years old and has a permanent pilot light.

It needs to be G rated gas,oil or liquified petroleum and you must be the homeowner or the  landlord to be able to apply.

Homeowners must first get a quote for the new boiler and then apply to the Energy Savings Trust (EST) who will if you qualify send you a voucher.

You pay for the boiler and then claim the £400 back by sending the voucher back with the invoice to EST.

More information on the scheme can be found by clicking here

To support this initiative I am delighted that MIPHE  Plumbing  and Gas Engineers ,who are recommended on the best of walsall are not only happy to give you a no obligation quotation but will also offer you a further £400 discount off a new boiler . If it transpires that you are not entitled to a scrappage  voucher under their offer they will still honour their £400 discount.

So if like me you have an A rated boiler I suggest that you get your skates on (especially in this weather ) and get a quote before these govenment funds are exhausted.

For a free Quotation why not contact MIPHE now

About the Author

Alex M

Member since: 10th July 2012

My name is Alex Murray. I am passionate about what goes on in and around Walsall. I hope you find my blog to be interesting and thought provoking. Please feel free to give me your feedback.

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