Coinadrink Limited’s new PPE vending machine offering is catching the eye!
7th June 2020
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A short while ago, we began supplying PPE vending machines in partnership with one of their trusted suppliers, Evoca Group. 

Since then, the move to this different kind of market has piqued the interest of the entire region and beyond. 

As more and more businesses head back to the workplace, a vending machine is a safe and reliable way to dispense vital PPE for those who require it. 

Our Sales and Marketing Manager Tom Williams recently went over to Evoca's base in Kingswinford to discuss the idea with the Express and Star. 

"We're traditionally a vending machine operating business and we've been doing that for 58 years.

"And we've seen a need amongst the workplace to provide PPE for safety reasons.

"We've teamed up with a local manufacturer to allow businesses to provide it and to keep track of what people are using - and if they're using it.

"It's always been something that's been possible, but there's never previously been a great deal of demand. Vending machines are flexible so we knew they can vend more than just food and drink."

Working with Evoca Group, these vending machines are being adapted to dispense almost any kind of PPE including hand sanitiser and face masks. 

Each user will be allocated a swipe key or card - depending on their requirements - that can be used to keep on top of who is using what and who isn't using PPE at all. 

An override can be put in place to limit the amount of equipment any one user can vend. 

If you want to speak to us about having a PPE vending machine in your workplace, contact us on 01922 640777 and we would be happy to answer any of your questions. 

Alternatively, if you're looking to experience more traditional vending with hot and cold drinks, snacks and more, we remain one of the leading firms in the country.

About the Author


Member since: 22nd March 2017

I have worked for Coinadrink Limited as a Digital Marketing Specialist since 2017. I really enjoy my role, exploring the different online platforms to promote the benefits of vending and workplace refreshments....

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