In one week, Well Wishers’ social media post has netted more than 145,000 views on Facebook, reaching well over 73,000 people and attracting more than 500 reactions.
End of Life Specialist Nurses at Walsall Manor Hospital asked for knitted hearts through Walsall Healthcare NHS Trust’s charity as the team was running low.
The hearts are given to patients with a matching one passed to their loved ones as a keepsake.
Deliveries and offers to knit hearts have flooded into Well Wishers’ Fundraising Hub in the main atrium of the Manor.
Kelsey Barrington, 16, from Darlaston, produced 18 sets of hearts after being shown the appeal by her nan Denise Cook, a Clinical Support Worker on Ward 17 at the Manor.
The ‘A’ Level student at Walsall College, who wants to be a barrister, knits items for her sister Anya, 15, who has autism and finds comfort in them.
“I just thought it was a nice thing to do because it’s not a lot of effort and it costs hardly anything, but it means the world to someone going through a hard time,” said Kelsey, who is now Well Wishers’ youngest crocheter.
“I taught myself to crochet in lockdown because it was more productive than sitting on my phone. I get ideas from Pinterest and YouTube.
“I’ve made clothes, hats, a blanket at Christmas with coloured squares, and toys for my siblings. I’m happy to make more hearts too.”
Ward 17 is Respiratory and intensive care patients are referred there, including those at end of life.
Sheryl Meegan, End of Life Specialist Nurse, said: “I would like to express my gratitude and say a very big heartfelt thank you to everyone who has responded, already donated and in the process of donating.
“I am completely overwhelmed with people’s kindness. The hearts are a fundamental comfort for our patients and families during difficult times.
“Please take pride in your kindness for supporting such an important cause.”
Grandmother of 12 and mum of four Denise said: “We have them on our ward but we didn’t have many crocheted ones, only wooden ones.
“We prefer the crocheted ones because some of our patients have small hands.”
Georgie Westley, Fundraising Manager for Well Wishers, said: “We’ve been inundated and are delighted with the response.
“We’ve had four deliveries of packages and more than 20 offers of support, which I’ve accepted.
“Kelsey has made some beautiful small hearts which will be ideal as they will fit in people’s wallets or purses.
“Thanks to everyone for the overwhelming response.”
Donations of hearts are still welcome. They can be posted or deposited at Well Wishers Charity, The Fundraising Hub, Main atrium, Manor Hospital, Moat Road, Walsall WS2 9PS.
Hub opening times are Monday to Friday 9am-5pm.
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