Electric patio heaters in walsall
6th May 2015
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 What to look for

When selecting a patio heater, it is important to consider the place in which they will be situated. As a rule, most heaters should only be mounted horizontally, however, there are a few that have been designed to work mounted vertically.

A short wave outdoor heater should always have a highly reflective, long-lasting reflector which focuses its heating energy. A major benefit of being able to adjust the beams direction is that high intensity heating can be given at lower level even though the heater is mounted much higher.

Consider ways to make cost savings

The running cost of most electric patio heaters is around 9p per kW hour, and there are several ways to ensure that costs are kept low without compromising on heat for those using the outside space. As we have seen, the efficient nature of short wave heaters mean that they can be left switched off when the area is not in use; as they work instantly when heat is needed. Several control systems are available that both enable heat output to be varied between 30 per cent and 100 per cent, and also control, the periods when the heater itself operates. These controllers can stop the heater turning on when the ambient air temperature is sufficiently high not to warrant them. Some switches can ensure the heater only comes on for a specified time period to avoid it being left on when perhaps no one is present. There are also options for PIR switches that detect movement and automatically turn the heater on when people are in its direct vicinity or combinations of the above to suit any individual circumstances.

Increasingly creating a pleasant and comfortable area for smokers is a pressing need for many businesses wishing to avoid a downturn in profits as smoking bans hit home. Some careful research into the options available for heating will ensure that the heated outdoor area can help to improve profits, rather than becoming drain upon them.

Choosing the Best Electric Heater for your needs

Ask yourself: How much heat do I actually need? Do I need heat all year even when the outside temperature is below freezing? Where will I mount or stand the heater? What power source is available does the heater need to weather/rain proof? If buying a parasol fitting heater, how often will the parasol need to be taken down? Who controls the heater? The customer? Perhaps a timer switch is called for? Me? Perhaps a controller is needed to adjust the temperature?

If you know the answers to these questions, the heater(s) will usually choose themselves, however, we are always pleased to speak with our customers and make recommendations based upon your specific circumstances.

If you need anymore advice or need help getting them fitted and ready to use just give aldridge electrical a call on:

0121 4000 241 

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