20th August 2020
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After five months, in the north bit of Walsall, Brownhills’ very own spoken word night is BACK!

Please read the starred details at the end. *** ⬇️⬇️⬇️

Yes on 26th August, Spoke in the Lamp will be back at Brownhills Community Centre, 

doors open from 7:15 pm until 10 -ish

Pay as you feel (suggest £3)

Tea/coffee free, bar drinks available - pay by card if you can please.

THEME: Masks and Windows

HEADLINER:  Emily Rose Galvin !!!

Emily has a raw and emotive style, she focuses on intimate experience to tackle subjects such as mental health, personal growth and the complications of human relationships. Her latest collection, a poetry pamphlet called 'The Dew Point' is out now.

A number of poets and spoken word artists rely on books and events to make a living. Please consider buying their creative works for real cash money. They will always respond to those kind enough to ask, and it’s better to ask them direct whenever you can.

Here’s the NEW NORMAL for Spoke:

The Lamp theatre space is big enough and airy enough for two-metre distancing at ‘separate tables’. The watchword is SAFETY - yours and ours.

A risk assessment is being carried out thanks to Janet Davies and Martin Hughes and screens will be available for our further security.

***You MUST book an open mic or audience spot in advance.*** PLEASE!!

Message Al Barz or post on Spoke In August, Facebook Page or...

Email: spoke@albarz.uk

(We are limiting numbers to ensure we can maintain social distancing.)

***Come with your own mask if possible.***

(We’ll have some disposable ones to spare if you have any difficulty.)

***Please use the Hand Sanitiser which will be there for everyone to use on entry.***

***If you are ill, or have any dodgy symptoms, let us know and DO NOT COME!***

About the Author

Ian Henery

Member since: 4th February 2019

Presenter Black Country Radio & Black Country Xtra
Solicitor - Vienna Kang Advocates

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