Student Nurses have reached a major milestone, celebrating the end of their three-year clinical placement at Walsall Healthcare NHS Trust.
The group, which began its course in 2022, has completed six placements across different hospital departments at Walsall Manor Hospital. By July, the students will be fully qualified and ready to take the next step in their Nursing careers.
Vee Baker was one of the successful Student Nurses.
She said: “I really enjoyed the training and going to different areas of the hospital, it helped me to learn so much during my three years.
Originally from Lithuania and now living in Coventry, the 37-year-old has wanted to become a Nurse since the age of 15. She added: “The best part of the job is making patients feel better and seeing them go home with a smile. I hope to stay at Walsall and continue my journey here.”
Sapna Sodi, Clinical Link Academic Tutor, has been with this group since she joined the Trust two years ago.
She said: “The event was an opportunity to show our appreciation and to express how proud we were of the students for completing their clinical placement part of their course.
“From the whole team, we wish them all the best for their future careers.”
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