Gaynor and Liz, Healthcare Assistants in the St Giles Hospice at Home team, are calling on people to support the local charity by taking part in its Christmas Raffle.
Gaynor said “I’ve worked at St Giles for 16 years and have worked every Christmas Day – for some families we support, the day is full of festivities, but we see the other side too. Throughout the day I’ll experience the sadness and pain of people who just can’t get into the Christmas spirit because of what they’re going through. Sometimes it is simply about getting through the day.”
As part of the Hospice at Home team, Gaynor and Liz visit terminally ill patients on Christmas Day, to help them manage their condition, provide pain relief, and support their loved ones.
Liz said: “Christmas really makes you appreciate what you have, and I am privileged to witness patients celebrating in whatever way they can with loved ones despite their heartaches. It’s a very emotional time for the families, as many will be sharing their last Christmas together, so it’s important that we do what we can to make sure people have something to hold on to and remember forever.”
Every year, the St Giles team dedicate their time to care for local people, and their loved ones, living with a terminal illness at Christmas.
Hannah Fahy, Head of Fundraising at St Giles, said: “Playing our Christmas Raffle is a fun and easy way to support St Giles, with the chance to win some fabulous cash prizes. Whilst we receive some funding from the Government, we still rely heavily on donations and income generation from our local community. Tickets cost just £1 each, and every ticket sold helps St Giles to continue to be there for people when they need it most.”
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