How Well Do You Adapt?
3rd June 2010
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How Well Do You Adapt?

Have you ever thought about the difference between something living and something dead? What changes the moment that we, or our pet or a tree stops living?

Scientists know that one of the things that distinguishes something alive from something that isn't, is its ability to adapt to its environment. A rock doesn't adapt. Nor does a fence. But we do if we are alive.

We generally take it for granted, but moving out of the path of an approaching vehicle, perspiring when it's hot or squinting in the bright sun are all adaptations. These and the many other ways we adapt to our environment are governed by the integrity of our nervous system - the focus of your Chiropractic care.

While many see Chiropractic care as a source of neck and back pain relief, our interest in your spine is because it's the most vulnerable part of your nervous system. Nerve interference along your spine can wreak havoc with your ability to adapt, accommodate and respond to your environment.

If Chiropractic helps you with the ache or pain, we're delighted. Sometimes less obvious is its ability to help you adapt and optimally perform mentally, physically and socially...which is the true definition of being healthy.

Contact Walsall Chiropractic Health Clinic on 01922 634 959, or visit our website www.ChiropractorsWest 

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