Linking Lives Aldridge Looking For Volunteers across Aldridge
9th December 2019
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Linking Lives offers friendship and support across Aldridge and is looking for volunteers who can spare an hour or so once a week or once a fortnight.  

Working in partnership with Making Connections Walsall, funded by Public Health Walsall Council, it is a new project by Aldridge Methodist Church  that helps to address loneliness and social isolation which have become a huge problem in the UK and on a local level.   Loneliness and social isolation can affect people of all ages but the most vulnerable are our aging population who may have problems getting out of the house due to poor mobility, health concerns, family who have moved away or work full-time or loved ones who have died.  

"Experts agree that social isolation is the biggest challenge facing our aging society" explained the Rev Bev Boden, Minister at Aldridge Methodist Church in Anchor Road "and many older people fear loneliness more than lack of money or deteriorating health.  We hope that you can help us achieve our aim of tackling this issue through friendship, support and social; activities".  

They operate a 1:1 visiting service designed for older people who live within Aldridge and who experience loneliness and social isolation. 

They also accept referrals for those who live independently or in sheltered accommodation and lack a strong social network.    

"What we ask of our volunteers" said the Minister for Aldridge Methodist Church "is a hour or so once a week or once a fortnight.  Where appropriate we encourage our volunteers to do activities with their new elderly friends like going out for a coffee or pottering in the garden to maintain independence and promote friendship".  

Recent research suggests that volunteers are just as likely to benefit as those they help with 90$% reporting personal satisfaction through volunteering. 

'Volunteers can make the difference in breaking down social isolation and help to build our local community" said the Rev Bev Boden "and a gift of an hour of your time each week will be a life-changing gift to someone who is experiencing loneliness and social isolation".  

For more information:  


FB: @linlkinglivesaldridge

Telephone: 07307865973

About the Author

Ian Henery

Member since: 4th February 2019

Presenter Black Country Radio & Black Country Xtra

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