Local author and performance poet Angela Garratt, performed once again this year at yet another successful festival.
5th September 2019
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Local author and performance poet Angela Garratt, performed once again this year at yet another successful festival. Lock Stock at the Willenhall Memorial Park. 2019 was the third year running for the Lock Stock festival but this year was particularly poignant as it is the 50th anniversary of Wood Stock. 

People from all backgrounds turned up in their thousands to come and see the performers and to support local businesses. Angela, being one of the performers said, ‘It was truly an honour to be asked to perform at such a wonderful event, alongside musicians and others poets such as Ian Henery. The whole place is a great way for local businesses to support local artists and vice versa, whether I am performing or not, I will definitely be coming again next year to support such wonderful people.’

Angela believes that it is important to show support and to help others as and when you can. It is not always easy, in fact sometimes it feels like we are going out of our way to support others and it feels like we are not getting anything back in return. But, Angela does not believe in giving to receive. She knows that the people she has helped can help others to achieve their goals. She says, ‘if we all did that, then everyone would have the support we all need and no one would feel like they are alone in their creative endevours. We can all work together to make this world a better place to live in.’ She goes on to say, ‘I know it may seem like a pipe dream to see others helping others, but I have seen it happen. People helped me to get to where I am now and I have helped others to get to the same level, in turn the people I have helped has helped more people and it goes on and on…people never stop helping each other and that is one of the many reasons why I love the arts as much as I do. It makes no difference how you show your support, a little advice can go a long way and so can a bit of encouragement, what is important is that we do support each other and that is the reason why I do what I do. I don’t get paid for this, there are not many poets that do, but I get all the payment I need watching others succeed because I pushed them in the right direction, gave them some feedback or gave them a place where they can feel supported. That is worth more than all the gold in the world.’

Angela is the founder and leader of the Oldbury Writing Group (OWG), a support group for writers. The OWG was founded on the 22nd August 2014. Since then they have all come along way, many of the member have gone on to be published, others have been able to increase their confidence in their writing by receiving positive, constructive feedback and having the opportunity to read out their works at other venues.

Furthermore, Angela Co-hosts a poetry open mic at the Britannia Inn on Rowley Village, Blackheath. It is every second Monday of the month, starting around 7:30pm. Angela goes on to say, ‘This open mic is designed for poets who are starting out, getting used to the mic and speaking in front of people, some for the first time. Others are well established poets and come along not just to enjoy the atmosphere and read some of their own work, but also to support those who need it.  The Britannia Poetry Open Mic offers a supportive place to begin your poetic journey and hopefully the people who come will go on to support others through theirs.’

Angela is also a member of Poets Against Racism (PAR), she has performed with them twice so far this year and she intends to support them in their endeavours to bring peace and love to the world through the art of poetry and spoken word.  ‘PAR is a cause that is close to my heart. In a world that can be unkind and unjust, it is important to bring peace and unity to the places in which we live.’

About the Author

Ian Henery

Member since: 4th February 2019

Presenter Black Country Radio & Black Country Xtra

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