National Inclusion Week in Walsall
29th September 2021
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Did you know it's National Inclusion Week?

Starting on the 27th of September until 3rd October this week was designed to celebrate everyday inclusion in all its forms bringing organisations together from across the world to celebrate, share and encourage inclusion practices.

Every year National Inclusion Week has a theme, this year it is about unity. By joining in and contributing to this week you are taking action to be #UnitedForInclusion.

Taking part really matters! It enables your organisation to show its commitment to inclusion. This creates great opportunities for employees at any level to be part of the conversation about everyday inclusion. 

Let’s all be part of Inclusion Week! We have so many great members at The Best of Walsall, 

About the Author

Alex M

Member since: 10th July 2012

My name is Alex Murray. I am passionate about what goes on in and around Walsall. I hope you find my blog to be interesting and thought provoking. Please feel free to give me your feedback.

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