Ride for Acorns Hospice in Walsall
10th June 2021
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Good day good folk, the hundred-mile bike ride to raise funds for Acorns commenced on Sunday the 6th of June. Steve from Walsall bike project and myself set off from Walsall rugby club on a drizzly morning. Despite the weather spirits remained high, we met up with the remaining members of the fellowship at the Jigger man in Brownhills and off we popped.

The rain became a little heavier on route through Cannock and we got ourselves a little lost through a path of nettles, which I found highly amusing, then quickly got back on track. It was at this point that I realised I was with some top riders, I knew I was going to have to dig deep. We made it to a little café in Penkridge dripping wet leaving a pool for the owner, sorry Buddy!

The rain had stopped when we left Penkridge, which was a gift from above, then it really dawned on me why we were doing this. People suffer every day, families who are tethered to the soul in need also suffer. Not enough is done for those in need. Social media and modern lifestyles allow people to be funded for a new pair of Air pods or some interesting trainers from JD’s. This highlights and widens the cracks in society, people like Steve do what they do to start filling these voids.

This journey continued through some of the most beautiful places that I’ve seen, who would have guessed that there is more to Britain than shopping centres, and plastic? Dinner time approached, and fatigue for me. A welcome stop at a lovely pub, The boat Inn, located in a lovely place called Gnosall, Lovely food, and the staff were friendly and more than accommodating, Steve even received a donation. Thank you, Boat Inn.


This is a journey of inspiration, it showed me what hard work and dedication can do, and it reminded me how much the human can push through barriers. My journey ended at the Bear inn, Market Drayton. The last hill I climbed through gritted teeth and cramp was my finish line at 50 miles. Steve and Steve, kept on going, I left it to the pro’s not wanting to slow them down and had me a nap on a bench waiting for my beautiful rescuer my wifey Jadey Babe. I felt a great sense of achievement and pride, to have taken part is this charity bike ride and I would recommend it to anyone to use these beautiful destinations and great causes to get fit, get focused and attack life head on.

Donations are still being excepted as we only hit 23% of the £1000 target. Come on folks this is for children who need this support, get the pennies out if it’s something you can afford. Many little amounts become a lot which relieves the financial burden for those helping. It’s a crying shame that cash is king, the humans trying to help and making people’s lives more comfortable are Kings and Queens.



Ellis Unchained x

Poem for the day:

We All Have Strengths To Borrow And Lend

Our vision, a sense we take for granted,

Visions from legends with no sight, amazing.

Andrea, Stevie create enchanted,

Visions of power and magic blazing.

The world we see today is so unclear.

Sights of history, we can guide together,

Through fog and haze with minimal fear.

Dance to the breeze, all drift like the feather.

If you can’t see, sing with voice to tell us

Of love and care, that we must share for good.

Lean on each other join the kindness bus,

Leave none behind dive in, save even driftwood.

Ones who have less than five senses stay strong

As one join senses, as one makes a song.

By Ellis Unchained

Work of Unchained Wisdom ©2020



About the Author

Ian Henery

Member since: 4th February 2019

Presenter Black Country Radio & Black Country Xtra

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