On Saturday 7th September AppleVenus Promotions are holding an evening of poetry and music in aid of Vasculitis UK at Delves Baptist Church in Bell Lane, Walsall, WS5 4PU.
Doors open at 7pm and the show starts at 7.30pm with a charity stall and refreshments.
The event features local author and poet Paul McDonald and music and spoken word from AppleVenus including a full supporting line up.
Vasculitis is a debilitating condition which is incurable. Mark Ingram, one half of AppleVenus, has refused to take his situation lying down and has written a book of poems called "Inflammatory Enemy, my journey with Vasculitis" which is available through the author or Amazon UK for £5 with all proceeds going to Vasculitis UK.
Mark says "when I was given my diagnosis I decided to capture my thoughts, feelings and experiences in the best way possible, which for me is through poetry.
When I had a good few pieces written I asked my good friend Colin Meek who owns the Inherit the earth publishing company if he could help with getting the book out into the world and he agreed to do so for free which was incredibly kind and supportive. The book lays bare my feelings and experiences both before during and after my diagnosis sometimes with despair sometimes with humour but always with honesty. I hope that it helps others who are fighting similar health battles some encouragement.
The charity evening is the second one we have done. Last year was a great success and raised over £500 for Vasculitis UK and a repeat of that this year would be great. The evening will showcase the talents of local poets and musicians and admission £5 again with all the money raised going to Vasculitis UK. There is a serious side to the event which is the fundraising but the content is fun, joyous and enlightening I hope we can get a good turnout. "
Presenter Black Country Radio & Black Country Xtra
Solicitor - Vienna Kang Advocates
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