Spoke in the Lamp- 25th January 2023
5th January 2023
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Mel Wardle Woodend (Staffordshire Poet Laureate 2019-2022) is a performance and published poet and one half of WORD Stafford. She organises and participates in all manner of spoken word events, poetry film events and competitions, both nationally and globally. 

The other half of WORD Stafford is Jonathon Watkiss, a blind photographer and deaf sound designer. Jon is the technical side of the WORD team and is also responsible for a number of film creations including those featuring poetry.

Mel additionally facilitates poetry workshops in schools and libraries around Staffordshire and the West Midlands. She has written many poetry books and through her dyslexia friendly small press, Dream Well Writing has published a number of anthologies with children’s stories, poetry, short stories and young adult fiction.

The Lamp theatre space has seating at tables, cabaret style, for us.
Thank you for any Covid precautions you have taken.

*Free* self-serve teas/coffees!
Other drinks available at the bar.
Raffle with jolly prizes for lucky 50p tickets
Poetry books available to purchase from performers. Bring yours if you will!

In brief…
Date: Wednesday 30th November, 2022
- 7:15 for 7:30 pm
- finish approx 10:00 pm
Theme: Leaves
Headliners: Bert Flitcroft 
Place: Brownhills Community Centre, by the miner island.
- Car park entrance via Pelsall Road.
Entry: pay as you feel (suggested up to £3)
Raffle tickets: 50p
Free tea/coffee - bar available
Facebook Event Page:

To let us know you’re coming or to reserve an open mic slot, email spoke@albarz.uk or Facebook message.

About the Author

Ian Henery

Member since: 4th February 2019

Presenter Black Country Radio & Black Country Xtra

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