Success Time for Walsall Poet Dale
16th March 2020
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Dale Parnell is an author and sometime poet based in Walsall.  His second collection of short stories, “Bramble and other stories” was released in summer 2019. With this second collection, Dale has continued exploring contemporary fantasy, but has also dived into science-fiction and horror.

“I never considered myself a horror writer, but I definitely enjoyed trying to write something that might scare people. It’s very similar to comedy, in that it is very subjective. What frightens one person, won’t have any effect on the next, so it’s a very interesting genre to work in.”

For his second collection, Dale also worked with a Stafford based media and marketing company, Twin Trees Creative, to turn one of the featured stories into a short film.

“I’m really pleased with how “The Garden” turned out. I studied film production at university, so it was a lot of fun to work with Twin Trees Creative and they were incredibly supportive of my ideas.”

Dale has also had several pieces featured in a variety of anthologies, including ‘Elements of Horror: Earth’ and ‘Elements of Horror: Air’ released by Red Cape Publishing, ‘Through Death’s Door’ released by Monnath Books and ‘Greetings – Poetry and Prose’ released by Enthusiastic Press.

Dale has also been included in three Dark Drabbles anthologies by Black Hare Press. A drabble is a short story of exactly 100 words, and Dale has found the challenge of writing to a specific word count is a great way to polish his editing skills.

“Weirdly, it’s a lot of fun, and I’m always honoured when my stories are chosen by any publisher for inclusion in their anthology. I start by writing a first draft in as few words as possible, but it usually comes in at around two hundred words, sometimes more. It can be really difficult to whittle a story down to exactly 100 words, but it teaches you brevity and precision. When I get it down to 100 words, I’ll let my wife read it. As with everything I write, she’s my first reader and judge of whether something works or doesn’t.”

Dale was recently shortlisted in the Poetry on Loan 20th Anniversary competition. Poetry on Loan is an organisation that helps to promote poetry in libraries across the West Midlands, and Dale was thrilled that his poem “Our First Year” has been published on the Poetry on Loan website.

And on Saturday 18th April 2020, Dale will be taking part in Stafford’s very first literature festival, ‘Stafford Litfest’.  Taking place at the Stafford Gatehouse Theatre, the event will feature a number of authors and poets, talks, poetry events and book signings.

“I’m genuinely thrilled to have been asked to take part in Stafford Litfest, I can’t quite believe it’s happening. It is very much a milestone for me as an author, like holding a copy of your finished book, or selling your first copy to someone who isn’t a friend or relative! I’m really looking forward to meeting the other featured authors and poets, and hopefully having the chance to chat with a few readers.”

You can find Dale on Facebook at

And on Twitter at

The short film, “The Garden” can be found on YouTube at

And you can find more information about Stafford Litfest on their website at


About the Author

Ian Henery

Member since: 4th February 2019

Presenter Black Country Radio & Black Country Xtra

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