Supporting emergency service
30th November 2022
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Super Exciting November is always wet, windy and cold.  This year is no different.  There is no excuse for me to sit inside, when my contribution could make a difference to another human being.  

  Emergency Services when they go to 'work' not knowing what they may be presenting with. This could be reality for so many workers, you may say.  I will agree but I feel there is a difference.  

  Our emergency services show their courage by walking into a situation, intervene to save lives, preserve life and remove them to safety.  Their emotions mentally and physically are challenged, often, with every breath. 

    Of course, it is a chosen vocation, and we have our community unsung heroes.  We here about them, swimming to rescue, saving life from a fire, helping stranded public and generally looking after the public welfare. 

  In the current financial climate, virtually all of us may fall short at times and need support.  Many communities and vulnerable people are being supported by volunteers. 

    My father was a keen, passionate human being, who was always ready to help anyone who needed it.  Often, we would go without, so that someone could be helped.  

  I feel humbled, that I am able to support our emergency services, community, and members of the public in a small way.  This does bring me immense pleasure and satisfaction.    Thank you for having the confidence and trusting me. 

  Balbir Seimar

BEM Chief

WASUP Community Engagement Ambassador

  WASUP - World Against Single Use Plastic (

  f/b: Balbir Seimar (bobbie sabharwal)

t: @balseimar

About the Author

Ian Henery

Member since: 4th February 2019

Presenter Black Country Radio & Black Country Xtra

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