Take The Stress Out Of Parking Tickets- Everything You Need To Know
15th March 2016
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Here are some FAQ's in regards to parking tickets... 


I've got a parking ticket on private land- what can I do?

Private land would mean you could be parked somewhere such as in a shopping centre, hospital or other privately owned car park, or on other private residential land such as a private road. 

A ticket may be left on your windscreen or sent through the post.

Parking tickets issued on private land are called Parking Charge Notices


What about if I get a parking ticket in a car park?

If you park in a private car park, you enter into a contract with the landowner to comply with their rules. If you break the parking rules, you breach your contract with the landowner. You might do this by not paying, staying longer than the time you have paid for or parking in the wrong place.


What is the amount claimed?

Typically, the costs of breaking the rules (such as staying too long) are about £85. The Courts have recently held this payable even though the landowner has not actually lost this amount.


What about challenging an unfair parking ticket?

If you park on private land and receive a parking ticket, you may think that it was given unfairly, either because you didn’t break the rules or the rules weren’t clear to you, because the signs were inadequate. If this is the case you can make an appeal to have this reduced/revoked.


Could the landowner bring about Court Proceedings?

If you do not pay the parking fine, the landowner will have to bring Court proceedings in order to get the money from you.


What about Parking Tickets on Land owned by the Council?

Parking tickets issued by the council are called a Penalty Charge Notice (PCN).

These tickets are dealt with by the civil courts and are not a criminal or police matter. If you don't pay the charge, the Traffic Enforcement Centre can have it registered as if it were a county court judgment. You may be able to dispute the charge.

As well as PCNs, some local councils also issue Excess Charge Notices and Standard Charge Notices.  These are for parking tickets in their car parks and in metered or pay and display bays on the street. Ticket enforcement takes place in the local Magistrates Court.


A traffic warden can issue you with a parking ticket if you park:


  • on yellow lines


  • in a permit-only zone without a clearly displayed valid permit


  • in a council-owned car park or on a metered space if you haven’t paid the parking charge


  • in a car park or on a metered space if you haven’t paid the correct amount for the time you've been parked there, or haven't clearly displayed the parking ticket


  • anywhere else where parking is banned, for example, on white zig-zag lines or on the pavement


What If I don't think you should pay the charge?

If you don't think you should have been issued with the PCN, don't pay the charge and appeal. If you want to appeal, you should do this straight away. If you wait, you could end up paying more if you lose your case.


 Should I appeal?

Usually, pay the fine within 14 days and its half price. For further info, check out typical parking fines and the costs if you don't pay.

Even if an appeal's unsuccessful, you're often still allowed to pay at the half-price rate within 14 days of the rejection, although this isn't guaranteed. Maximise your chances by clearly asking for the fine to be put on hold in your appeal letter.


What would be my chance of success?

If you get all the way to the last, independent tribunal stage, the success rate is 56%. This means if you believe in the justice of your cause, you've a chance, but it can be a struggle. 



For more information email me at johnbuckle@hcbgroup.com or call me on 01922 707598

About the Author

John B

Member since: 14th March 2016

HCB Hadens Solicitors - Walsall - 01922 720000

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