The Story of ‘Three Plastic Bottles’ – is a brilliantly written book by Professor Gatrad OBE, a consultant paediatrician, ably aided by Suzanne Kalloghlian – a children’s author. A beautifully illustrated glossy front cover hides 16 pages of a riveting tale of what happens when people throw away plastic items thoughtlessly.
The Story of ‘Three Plastic Bottles’ – is a brilliantly written book by Professor Gatrad OBE, a consultant paediatrician, ably aided by Suzanne Kalloghlian – a children’s author. A beautifully illustrated glossy front cover hides 16 pages of a riveting tale of what happens when people throw away plastic items thoughtlessly.
This book inspires readers to look after our planet and question, if they have ever carelessly thrown away plastic items which are harming marine animals and humans through poisonous leachates. The quiz in the book is a perfect way to get children to learn more about recycling and WASUP – World Against Single Use Plastic that Professor Gatrad founded in 2017 and which is now global – in well over 50 countries. The poem in this book is very touching and makes the reader feel what a pristine planet would be like.
This book inspires readers to look after our planet and question, if they have ever carelessly thrown away plastic items which are harming marine animals and humans through poisonous leachates. The quiz in the book is a perfect way to get children to learn more about recycling and WASUP – World Against Single Use Plastic that Professor Gatrad founded in 2017 and which is now global – in well over 50 countries. Through the Commonwealth Games the book was distributed free to many countries. The poem in this book is very touching and makes the reader feel what a pristine planet would be like. The head teacher of Blackwood School, Tracy Coles said ‘ every young child should read this book. Written in an engaging and informative style it is thought provoking and can be used as a starting point across various curricula – especially geography, science and literacy.
The book is £5 with p&p included. You can secure your copy by contacting
Every child should read this book – written in engaging and informative style. Every class should have a copy. Tracy Coles – Head Teacher, Blackwood Primary school Streetly UK
The story is a thought-provoking way of raising awareness of the dangers of plastic to animals and humans. It could be used as a starting point across various curricula – especially geography, science and literacy. – Emma Buck – deputy Head teacher Millfield school Walsall UK
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