Update From Willenhall History Society
1st November 2021
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Hello again. Things here at the history society have been very quiet with not much worth writing about this month.    My appeals last month for information on the fallen soldier Fred Fisher proved fruitless and I only had one response to my efforts to get old Yale staff identified from our catalogue of works photo's. On the meeting side we did have a good open meeting on the 14th.September and it was good to see old faces and find that we had lost none of our membership. Very pleasing.   

Our speaker on the 12th.October was Penny Wheat who regaled us with tales from her many years of visiting institutes  and clubs in the region. By the time you read this we will already have had our 'night at the pictures' with free ice-cream so if you managed to attend I hope you enjoyed it.   

Members will be having a Xmas meal at the Toll House Restaurant in December and we restart at the Chart Centre on the 11th January'22 when David Butler-Henderson will be telling us all about the history of glass bottles. Finally, we have a photograph donated by Derek Broadhurst, mentioned in my last article. Derek found it in a car boot sale a little while ago and it shows the Willenhall Town Band looking resplendent in their uniforms posing outside some pavilion, perhaps in the '20's or '30's.   

Does anyone have any information about the band, its members or the occasion on which it was taken. If you can help please get in touch on 01902 843006. or e mail me on willenhallhistory@gmail.com

About the Author

Ian Henery

Member since: 4th February 2019

Presenter Black Country Radio & Black Country Xtra

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