Valerie Vaz MP Supports World Book Day 2020
16th March 2020
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Valerie Vaz MP is supporting World Book Day’s National ‘Share a Story’ Campaign, calling on parents and carers to read with their children for ten minutes a day

Valerie Vaz MP said:

I am encouraging parents, grandparents and other family members and carers to take time to read for ten minutes with children on World Book Day, and every day after.  Sharing stories together, at home or school, in the library or in the park, on a bus or train – anywhere, anytime – for just ten minutes a day has long-lasting effects on a child’s future.”

“Every year, World Book Day creates bespoke £1 books for children and young adults across the UK and Ireland, to promote the magic of books, the power of imagination and the importance of reading. The aim of the campaign is to encourage parents and carers everywhere to share a story with their children for ten minutes a day. Each child was given a £1 book token for World Book Day which they can take to a bookshop or supermarket to get their free World Book Day book.”

“One in four children (one in three for those on free school meals) said the book they bought with their 2016 £1 World Book Day book token was the first book they have had of their own.”

 “Reading for pleasure is the single biggest indicator of a child’s future success, but children’s reading for pleasure is in long-term decline. According to new research from the National Literacy Trust (NLT), levels of daily reading among children and young people are in sharp decline: just 25.8% of children said they read daily in their free time in 2019, the lowest level the NLT recorded since it surveyed children in 2005.”

About the Author

Ian Henery

Member since: 4th February 2019

Presenter Black Country Radio & Black Country Xtra

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