Local Children’s author, Cheryl Ann Boot (pictured) , once again, inspired the young minds of local people, this time, at Walsall College Literature Festival on Wednesday 22nd January 2025.
She delivered an empowering speech on her journey as a Children’s author.
Cheryl was invited to attend the Literature Festival by Gemma Anderson-Thomas, GCSE English Coordinator, at Walsall College.
Cheryl said “It was an honour to be invited to speak at the Literature Festival about my journey as a Children’s author. I aim to inspire young minds”.
She tailored the event to the audience and spoken about the connection between young children being outdoors in nature and the positive mental health and wellbeing benefits. She demonstrated her latest release “Stay in, Miss out” as she passionately spoke about the story of Johnny, her main character and his life story into realising the importance of being outdoors.
Cheryl demonstrated that, sometimes, we can have setbacks in our life and can make us experience a lack in our self-confidence. But with the theme of ‘hope’ that Cheryl was able to discuss, she showed that it was possible to achieve goals despite such setbacks.
The children’s books are available on her company website www.cabinspirationalltd.com and you can also follow Cheryl on her author journey on her social media platforms “Cheryl Ann Boot” or “CAB Inspirational Ltd”.
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