Walsall Poet celebrating Shakespeare's Birthday
19th April 2022
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Walsall Poet, Sarah Battison, is celebrating the upcoming birthday of World Famous William Shakespeare, poetry style.

Sarah has been writing since she was a young child and published her debut poetry collection 'The Journey To Happiness' in 2019.

Sarah recently attended a poetry Workshop "All the world's a stage - a spoken word workshop" as part of Folio Sutton Coldfield and is planning on participating at another Folio event , "Mouthpieces - A Shakespeare Special" where she will perform some of her poetry.

Sarah's poetry is mostly based on her struggles through life, including her struggles with mental health. She has been deeply interested in inspiring others since she changed her own path back in 2017.

In Shakespeare's words , Sarah hopes her poetry to others  "shall be my hope, my stay, my guide and lantern to my feet".

In celebration of the poet and playwrights birthday Sarah wrote a Shakespeare themed poem, playing on the titles of some of his well known writings.


 It was all a dream I had ;

One night in the mid-summer.

It promised me happiness; love.

Then fearlessly broke my heart.

It was full of tradgedy- started with such enormous possibilities but didn't end well.

Macbeth style.


When all I longed for was my own Romeo

And for me to be Juliet

But just like them -

It ended in heartache

As My soul was ripped away and sold on black markets

By a man-playing the merchant of Venice.


I found myself seeking revenge for my stolen soul

Driving me crazy with hatred for those who


had hurt me

I did a Hamlet.

And look where that ended up.


Pain poured from this nightmare.


But alls well that ends well

It was just a dream after all.

About the Author

Ian Henery

Member since: 4th February 2019

Presenter Black Country Radio & Black Country Xtra

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