Walsall poet Mark Ingram has released his second anthology of poems entitled No Bell On Yer Bike.
An eclectic collection that Mark describes as "representative of my thoughts and feelings over the last two or three years".
The poems include odes to Marks place of birth Walsall, his favourite city Liverpool and Lichfield where he now lives. Many of the poems are based on the observation of people in their daily life and personal and national politics have a recurring underlying presence.
"I've been writing all my life and these poems just poured out of my subconscious mind, I don't decide on a theme or a topic, it just happens" says Mark. "There is always an element of humour to my work although sometimes it's pretty dark in nature. I just hope that my audience find something to relate to in my work and most importantly they find it entertaining".
The book is available via Amazon or direct from Mark himself who will be hosting the celebrations for National Poetry Day on Saturday 7th October at The Crossing at St Paul`s in Darwall Street, Walsall, with Creative Walsall between 10 - 2pm. Creative Walsall is a unique collabioration with Walsall Society of Artists and local poets and is completely free.
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