‘Art Meets Poetry’ Events at New Art Gallery, Walsall, part of Wolverhampton Literature Festival, Sunday 28th January and 4th February 2024 1.00-3.00pm. This collaboration between artists and poets builds upon a similar collaboration held in St Paul’s Gallery, the Crossing, Walsall in September and October 2023.
It has been organised as part of the Wolverhampton Literature Festival. We have received over sixty poems from thirty-one poets. Unfortunately, due to time constraints, not all these poems can be presented.
However, all the poems received will be printed in a catalogue produced for each ‘Art meets Poetry’ afternoon. These will be available to view in the Community Gallery after each event until the end of our exhibition on 18th February. Poems have been selected to cover as many poets, and artists work, as possible.
Poets will present their poems inspired by the artwork of the Walsall Society of Artists, exhibited at the prestigious New Art Gallery Walsall, in our 73rd Annual Exhibition. Each poet will present their poem alongside the artwork which inspired them, bringing both the poem and artwork to life. Each artist will then be invited to tell us about their inspiration for their artwork.
There will be seventeen poems presented on 28th Jan and sixteen poems on 4th Feb. The event will be hosted by David McGuire, the chairperson of the Walsall Society of Artists.
Walsall Society of Artists
Presenter Black Country Radio & Black Country Xtra
Solicitor - Vienna Kang Advocates
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