The 64-year-old, from Warwickshire, was treated on Walsall Manor Hospital’s Intensive Care Unit (ICU) for 17 days before moving to Ward 4 to continue his recovery.
A statement on UB40’s website says: “Despite being seriously ill in hospital for a number of weeks, Earl is now at home resting and expected to make a full recovery. For this reason, Earl won’t be performing in the near future.
“We want to say a huge thank you to the NHS, the wonderful ICU staff and Ward 4 staff at Walsall Healthcare NHS Trust who cared for Earl and gave him life-saving treatment. It is thanks to them, that Earl is expected to make a full recovery from this aggressive infection.
“Whilst Earl is recovering, all scheduled dates will be going ahead, and Ben Torrens will be standing in for him. Please join us in wishing our brother Earl, a strong and speedy recovery.”
Meningitis is an infection of the protective membranes that surround the brain and spinal cord.
A number of vaccinations are available on the NHS that offer some protection against meningitis.
Earl said: “I would just want to say on a personal note to anybody who is 65 and over, to please get inoculated for meningitis. You should be automatically contacted by your GP once you reach 65. I was due to have my injection this coming January, so I was a bit unlucky, missing it by a few months.
“I will definitely be back as soon as humanly possible. Thanks for all the lovely messages and support from family, friends and fans. Big love, Earl.”
Xana Marriott, Senior Sister for Critical Care Rehabilitation at Walsall Healthcare NHS Trust, said: “We are so glad Earl is making a good recovery. It was a pleasure to care for him. We wish him all the best.”
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