Walsall Writers’ Circle Evolves!
7th September 2020
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Lockdown has caused problems mostly because it prevented us from meeting up face-to-face, but this very problem has caused us to think more creatively. Members have been receiving regular updates on our new ventures that include regular twice monthly Skype meetings, round robin stories and writing prompts. Our monthly face-to-face meetings will go ahead as soon as we feel it's safe to do so and they will run alongside online events a couple of weeks afterwards. This means that we will be offering twice as many sessions as before!


With the concerns about Covid, we're being more flexible about our programme and not planning too far ahead, however, we are able to tell you that our first meeting of the new programme (Thursday 10th September) will be an active writing session run via Skype by one of our members; he has planned a follow-up session for the 24th September.


We will still be holding our usual fiction and non-fiction competitions with a third fantasy one in memory of A Stuart Williams who sadly passed away recently. We're also working towards putting together a Covid anthology which will include the round robins and work that's been produced during lockdown. 


We’re a very friendly bunch so please contact us if you would like to know more about the Circle.


Website: walsallwriterscircle.wordpress.com,


email us on walsall.writerscircle@hotmail.co.uk


or if you prefer, you can telephone on 01922 458595.


About the Author

Ian Henery

Member since: 4th February 2019

Presenter Black Country Radio & Black Country Xtra
Solicitor - Vienna Kang Advocates

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