Walsall Writers` Circle Grows From Strength To Strength
2nd December 2023
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Walsall Writers` Circle is for anyone who writes or wants to write.  Beginners and published writers welcome.  


The group meets monthly to discuss writing and share information on markets and techniques.  


Walsall Writers` Circle are a working group trying for professional standards in their writing but encourage everyone to join in discussions including those not yet published are readers and have valid opinions to offer.  


The group has a varied programme of talks, discussions and workshop evenings where members are able to read their own work and have it discussed by the group who try to give constructive ctiticism and help with problems.  


The Circle is small with a friendly, relaxed atmosphere.  During the 40 years they have been running a number of members have had first novels published in Britain and abroad, others have won national awards and still more have achieved publication in magazines, newspapers, on TV and radio and on the stage.  

Forthcoming events:

11th Jan (in hub) Writing for Well-being led by Dawn and Cheryl
25th Jan (zoom) Presenting your work for publication/competition (workshop) led by Alison
8th Feb (in hub) Feedback evening for members led by Gary
22nd Feb (zoom) Poetry workshop led by Alison
14th Mar (in hub) Viewpoint – whose story is it? Led by Marrilynne
28th Mar (zoom) Creating and developing a character (workshop) led by Alison
11th Apr (in hub) Self-publishing for the Terrified led by Alan Cash (changed from Sep 2023)
25th Apr (zoom) Reading as Writers led by Marrilynne
(Events may be subject to change, so please check the website for up-to-date information)

Update on members:

Bec – children’s writer and illustrator recently joined SCWBI (Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators) and attended their conference in Manchester in November. This gave her the chance to meet with other writers, illustrators, agents and publishers and gain industry professionals’ 1-1s. She was thrilled to be given very positive feedback!


Cheryl – released a poetry book at the end of November under the pen name Mary Beth Welsh. Entitled After Trauma, it is a poetry collection looking at healing and inspiration and the raw emotion experienced during trauma. It is available from Amazon and on her website cabinspirationalltd.com at £8.99



Alison – had a poem included in the Morecambe Poetry Festival Anthology, Volume 1. The theme was nature and the anthology included such illustrious contributors as Roger McGough, Jackie Kay, Brian Bilston, Henry Normal, John Henley and Alice, age 7!



In September, the Circle started off their 2023/24 programme with a visit from Steampunk author Jon Hartless who discussed A View From the Bottom – a Writer’s Perspective of Publishing and its Pitfalls. (This was a change from the advertised session as Alan Cash’s Self-Publishing for the Terrified had to be rescheduled – it will now take place on 11th April.) Jon brought along some of his books which members were happy to buy at a discount! The September Zoom session was a feedback evening for members and this was followed by Dawn leading two sessions on How to get Started. Members were able to talk about what was holding them back and to set goals to get them started. In November, Gary led a suitably appropriate session on Ghost Story Writing and members went away not only more knowledgeable about the use of the supernatural in books, TV and film, but with the beginnings of a story of their own. The November Zoom saw Marrilynne leading a productive workshop on What is Flash Fiction? And 2023 was rounded off in the Walsall College Hub with the results of the Fly on the Wall fiction competition and a bring-and-share social evening!

Visitors are very welcome to join the Circle for one in-hub and one Zoom session (consecutive) free of charge. Meetings are held on the second Thursday in the month in the Walsall College Hub while Zoom meetings are the fourth Thursday of the month, with the link being emailed out a few days beforehand. Annual membership is £25.


For more information please visit our website:
Email Gary at: walsall.writerscircle@hotmail.co.uk
Ring at 01922 458595


Photo Credit - Phil Buckley with Alison Reed from Walsall Writers` Circle 



About the Author

Ian Henery

Member since: 4th February 2019

Presenter Black Country Radio & Black Country Xtra
Solicitor - Vienna Kang Advocates

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