Walsall’s new PAU turns one!
7th May 2024
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Walsall Healthcare’s Paediatric Assessment Unit (PAU) relocated into the multi-million pound Urgent and Emergency Care Centre a year ago today.

The move saw staff working much more closely with Emergency Department (ED) teams with Children’s ED being in the same centre. This has also created professional development and educational opportunities for emergency medicine and paediatric clinicians.

A year on and PAU staff have helped young patients with a variety of common illnesses such as bronchiolitis, wheeze/asthma, possible sepsis, respiratory infections, seizures, mental health concerns and other specialty referrals.

The unit has had lots of positive feedback via mystery guests and the Friends and Family Test (an anonymous way to give views after receiving NHS care or treatment) have averaged at above 96%.

PAU staff have been reflecting on and celebrating their hard work over this past year.

Dr Drusilla Ferdinand, Consultant Paediatrician and PAU Medical Lead said: “I have been here long enough to see our PAU move from the old building to the ‘new build’ by Ward 21 and now to the UECC next to Paediatric ED.

 “All these changes and moves have been with the aim of improving the patient journey. I feel that we have achieved this again with this most recent move and created a number of different acute and non-acute patient pathways. This has been a lot of work, but it is satisfying to see successful outcomes.

“Any change is always difficult and creates a number of anxieties, but we have tackled these as a team and have come out stronger as a result. I am very lucky to work with an amazing and supportive multi-disciplinary team who are dedicated to caring for the children and young people of Walsall.”

Ciara Thomas, Paediatric Sister said: “I feel that the new unit has been a positive change for PAU. I think the past year has gone extremely fast and the staff on the unit have worked extremely hard to ensure that patients are provided with the best quality care. It is a pleasure to be a Paediatric Sister on PAU and I feel that we have a fantastic team.”

Charlotte Yale, Divisional Director of Nursing and Kellie Birch, Interim Care Group Manager both said: “The move has seen a positive impact on the patient journey but has also promoted excellent collaborative working between Paediatric staff and Emergency Department staff. Thus, helping to strengthen pathways and outcomes. We look forward to future successes and growth.

 Some of the feedback received through mystery patients and surveys has been:

  • “Speed of assessment and thorough explanation of protocols.”
  • “The staff were really helpful and so polite. They were really good with my baby and keeping him happy.”
  • “Friendly staff, explained things thoroughly, seen promptly by doctors.”
  • “Amazing staff, very kind and thoughtful. Explained everything. Thorough examination. Drinks and snacks for child. Very impressive, thank you for looking after us.”
  • “Very good, all staff were so helpful and very caring. We honestly couldn’t thank them all enough.”
About the Author

Ian Henery

Member since: 4th February 2019

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