"Seven of our members from the Walsall class were invited to train in Glasgow" said Paul O`Connor (pictured), lead instructor at Sparta Krav Maga in Walsall. "They visited their Krav Maga family in Scotland and trained with them. We had a great time training and socialising. The Scottish family were great hosts".
Sparta Krav Maga took two Childrens Ambassadors, two Club Ambassadors and two Civil Instructor Course candidates to the expert instructor training course with International Krav Maga Federation expert Chris Murray.
"IKMF Krav Maga stands for "International Krav Maga Federation" said Paul O`Connor "but "F" also stands for Family too. We see ourselves as a global family and Chris Murray is a globally-recognised expert in self defence. It was an excellent experience for Walsall people to train with someone of his calibre last weekend."
Krav Maga is a self defence system that is for all. It is used worldwide by armies, police and civilians. It is a self defence system that integrates simple and instinctive moves accessible to all.
"The fitness benefits that come with training in a self defence programme include a myriad of physical, mental and emotional benefits" explained Paul O`Connor "that can help you lead a happier, healthier and more productive life".
For more information and to book a FREE trial class:
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