Willenhall Chart Centre and The Ye Old Toll House To Provide Free Breakfast and Dinner During Half Term
26th October 2020
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The Voluntary & Private Sector unites to support Willenhall Children and Families during half term.   Willenhall Chart Centre and The Ye Old Toll House have joined forces to provide an array of meals to help provide families with a FREE breakfast and cooked dinner during half term week.   Child poverty is a big issue across the country but the support we are offering is at grass roots level and help support the most vulnerable families.   Some of the great meals been cooked by The Ye Old Toll House to support Willenhall Children & Famailies during half term week....   Chicken curry and rice    Penne pasta bolanaise    Chicken bites, chips and peas    Chicken dinner , veg and Yorkshire pud    Sausage mash, peas & Yorkshire   If you want to place orders for the following day, call Chart Centre on 01902 368199 between 2pm - 4pm  to pre-order them.  Please note this is for Willenhall Families only.   Well done Trevor Dunn and The Ye Old Toll House
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