YMCA Open Door 25 IN 25 Challenge - Walsall
9th August 2017
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Could you help a homeless young person in their time of need?

YMCA Open Door (part of YMCA Black Country Group) requires hosts in the Walsall area to help vulnerable young 16-18 year olds, who have become homeless.  A host is someone who has a spare room and a caring heart who can provide a safe environment for a young person in their time of need.

As part of our drive to recruit more hosts, we have launched the 25 in 25 Challenge in the run up to Christmas with the goal of recruiting 25 new Hosts in 25 weeks to help change the lives of young homeless people.

The Mayor of Walsall Marco Longhi who was present for the launch gave his support - “I’m very impressed with this project. It provides practical and emotional support and demonstrates a working commitment to young homeless people here in Walsall and across the Black Country. I really feel there should be no place for homelessness in the 21st Century - but sadly it is still amongst us. YMCA ‘Open Door’ provides a safe place for young people to stay and the stability they need to continue with their education.  This is an essential part of their road to independence. The 25 in 25 campaign aims to recruit 25 new Host families in the lead up to Christmas and I want to ask the borough to think about they can do to help give a room to young person and in return gain such a lot”.

The Mayor of Walsall Marco Longhi met with volunteers and staff from the project and gave a special mention to a Walsall Host who he was touched by, Enas Ali (As Pictured) who has opened her home and heart to 10 young homeless people.

It won’t be easy, but we are ready to spread the message of the life changing effect our Hosts have on vulnerable young people. Do you live in Walsall? Would you like to make a difference in your local community? Could you open your heart and home to a vulnerable young homeless person?

For more information about YMCA Open Door, how to become a Host or our upcoming Host events as part of the 25 in 25 Challenge please contact:

About the Author

Aleisha R

Member since: 26th July 2017

YMCA Black Country Group - Open Door
Offers vunerable young people safe accommodation with Host Families who live in the Black Country - 0121 524 1957.

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