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Local News and Updates
Renowned poetry night Yes We Cant returns to the Pretty Bricks in Walsall on September 1st after its summer break.
  • 19th August 2019
Renowned poetry night Yes We Cant returns to the Pretty Bricks in Walsall on September 1st after its summer break. Read more
Willenhall Lock Stock
  • 19th August 2019
The 3rd Willenhall Lock Stock will take place on Sunday September 1st in Willenhall Memorial Park. Read more
The Funny Things comedy festival brings a wealth of comic performances to the local area
  • 19th August 2019
The Funny Things comedy festival brings a wealth of comic performances to the local area Read more
£41m secured to help unlock derelict land for housing
  • 16th August 2019
£41m secured to help unlock derelict land for housing Read more
Dame Julie Walters backs the Save Acorns Black Country Hospice Appeal as Total Raised Tops £200,000
  • 13th August 2019
Dame Julie Walters backs the Save Acorns Black Country Hospice Appeal as Total Raised Tops £200,000 Read more
£10 million funding to kick start reopening of Black Country rail stations
  • 8th August 2019
£10 million funding to kick start reopening of Black Country rail stations Read more
Walsall's "One Love" Event - Saturday 10th August 2019
  • 8th August 2019
Walsall's "One Love" Event - Saturday 10th August 2019 Read more
Staggering £100k Donation Boosts Acorns Children's Hospice Appeal
  • 7th August 2019
Staggering £100k Donation Boosts Acorns Children's Hospice Appeal Read more
Update on Rock the Beacon Festival with Brendan Hawthorne
  • 6th August 2019
Update on Rock the Beacon Festival with Brendan Hawthorne Read more
Verruca Treatment at PB Podiatry in Walsall
  • 5th September 2019
If you're struggling with stubborn verruca, contact PB Podiatry for their Swift Verruca Treatment! Read more
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